We value your opinion and would love to hear about your experience with our special education program.  Your feedback will help us make your next experience even better!  Please take a few minutes to take a survey.  

Let's get started! 
Please click on the link below to follow the TEA special education self-assessment survey.  When you reach the bottom of the survey please review ALL questions and click SUBMIT.  You will have till May 31, 2023 to complete the survey.

For more information or needed assistance, please contact Rebecca Espericueta or Patricia Garcia at 956.262.4755 ext. 2008.  

English Survey Form

Spanish Survey Form

The purpose of the Self-Assessment Survey is to assist LEA leadership teams in evaluating and improving their special education program. The Self-Assessment is intended to engage leadership teams through a proactive approach by addressing special education compliance and improving student performance.  

This leadership team is responsible to ensure data from a broad representation of stakeholders is considered as part of the program evaluation. The team should be representative of the size and demographics of the LEA and may include leaders with a variety of backgrounds. 

While completing the Self-Assessment rubric, you will consider probing questions, review sources of evidence, select a quality of implementation level for each compliance/strategy item based on performance category descriptions.   After completing the evaluative rubric in the survey, the leadership team will review the results to identify and prioritize areas for improvement that may be addressed in the Strategic Support Plan (SSP).   

Thank you so much for contributing your feedback to better serve our district and student needs.